The Best Free Credit Cards in Germany 2025

Compare the top 10 free credit cards and find the right alternative for you.

  • Gebührenfrei Advanzia Mastercard Gold Beantragen In nur 2 Minuten beantragen

    Gebührenfrei - Advanzia Mastercard Gold

    • Kartentyp Kreditkarte
    • Jahresgebühr 0 €
    • Effektiver Jahreszins 24,63 %
    • Bargeldabhebungsgebühren 0 %
    • Fremdwährungsgebühren 0 %
    • Mobile Zahlungen
    • Vorteile
    • Einzelheiten
    • Anforderungen
    • Bewertung
    • Cashback auf Reisen & Mietwagen
    • Reiseversicherungen inklusive
    • 7 Wochen zinsfrei zahlen
    • Keine versteckten Gebühren
  • TF Mastercard Gold Beantragen In nur 2 Minuten beantragen

    TF Mastercard Gold

    • Kartentyp Kreditkarte
    • Jahresgebühr 0 €
    • Effektiver Jahreszins 24,79 %
    • Bargeldabhebungsgebühren 0 %
    • Fremdwährungsgebühren 0 %
    • Mobile Zahlungen
    • Vorteile
    • Einzelheiten
    • Anforderungen
    • Bewertung
    • Gebührenfrei
    • Keine Fremdwährungsgebühren
    • Bis zu 51 Tage zinsfreie Periode
    • Umfangreiche Versicherungen
  • Deutschland Kreditkarte Classic Beantragen In nur 2 Minuten beantragen

    Deutschland Kreditkarte Classic

    • Kartentyp Kreditkarte
    • Jahresgebühr 0 €
    • Effektiver Jahreszins 22,08 %
    • Bargeldabhebungsgebühren 3,95 €
    • Fremdwährungsgebühren 0 %
    • Mobile Zahlungen
    • Vorteile
    • Einzelheiten
    • Anforderungen
    • Bewertung
    • 0 € Jahresgebühr
    • Flexibel Rückzahlen in Raten oder Komplett
    • Keine Fremdwährungsgebühren
    • Weltweit gebührenfrei bezahlen (ausgenommen bargeldähnliche Transaktionen*)
    • Ersten drei Monate zinsfrei
  • Extrakarte Novum Bank Beantragen In nur 2 Minuten beantragen

    Extrakarte Novum Bank

    • Kartentyp Kreditkarte
    • Jahresgebühr 0 €
    • Effektiver Jahreszins 24,60 %
    • Bargeldabhebungsgebühren 3,00 % (min 3 €)
    • Fremdwährungsgebühren 2,99 %
    • Mobile Zahlungen -
    • Vorteile
    • Einzelheiten
    • Anforderungen
    • Bewertung
    • Keine Jahresgebühr
    • Monatliche Rückzahlung in flexiblen Raten möglich
    • Weltweit einsetzbar (70 Mio. plus Akzeptanzstellen)
    • Zügige Beantragung online
  • C24 Mastercard Beantragen In nur 2 Minuten beantragen

    C24 Mastercard

    • Kartentyp Prepaid/Debit
    • Jahresgebühr 0 €
    • Effektiver Jahreszins -
    • Bargeldabhebungsgebühren 4,00 % + 0 €
    • Fremdwährungsgebühren 1,75 %
    • Mobile Zahlungen
    • Vorteile
    • Einzelheiten
    • Anforderungen
    • Bewertung
    • Kostenlose Kontoführung und Mastercard in einem
    • Einfache Zinsen und Tagesgeld
    • Deutsche Neobank mit deutscher IBAN
    • Kostenlose virtuelle Kreditkarte verfügbar
    • Attraktives Cashback-Programm
  • Netkredit24 Mastercard Beantragen In nur 2 Minuten beantragen

    Netkredit24 Mastercard

    • Kartentyp Kreditkarte
    • Jahresgebühr 0 €
    • Effektiver Jahreszins 24,60 %
    • Bargeldabhebungsgebühren 3,00 % (min 3 €)
    • Fremdwährungsgebühren 2,99 %
    • Mobile Zahlungen
    • Vorteile
    • Einzelheiten
    • Anforderungen
    • Bewertung
    • 4.000€ Kreditlimit
    • 7 Wochen zinsfreie Rückzahlung
    • Keine Jahres- oder Kartengebühren
  • awa7 visa Beantragen In nur 2 Minuten beantragen

    awa7 Visa

    • Kartentyp Kreditkarte
    • Jahresgebühr 0 €
    • Effektiver Jahreszins 20,47 %
    • Bargeldabhebungsgebühren 3,95 €
    • Fremdwährungsgebühren 0 %
    • Mobile Zahlungen
    • Vorteile
    • Einzelheiten
    • Anforderungen
    • Bewertung
    • Bis zu 2.000 € Sofortauszahlung aufs Girokonto aus dem Verfügungsrahmen, schon bei Antrag
    • Flexible Rückzahlung für besseres Finanzmanagement
    • Karte einsetzen und automatisch Umwelt schützen!
    • Kontaktloses Bezahlen mit Google und Apple Pay
    • Transparente Kostenstruktur und wenige Gebühren
    • Volle Ausgabenkontrolle dank Hanseatic Bank App
    • Wunsch PIN für einfaches merken
  • Consors Finanz Mastercard Beantragen In nur 2 Minuten beantragen

    Consors Finanz Mastercard

    • Kartentyp Kreditkarte
    • Jahresgebühr 0 €
    • Effektiver Jahreszins 18,90 %
    • Bargeldabhebungsgebühren 0 %
    • Fremdwährungsgebühren 0 %
    • Mobile Zahlungen
    • Vorteile
    • Einzelheiten
    • Anforderungen
    • Bewertung
    • Dauerhaft kostenlos (0€ Jahresgebühr)
    • Sofortzusage bei Antrag möglich
    • Bis zu 90 Tage Zahlungsziel
    • Keine Fremdwährungsgebühr
  • Santander BestCard Basic Beantragen In nur 2 Minuten beantragen

    Santander BestCard Basic

    • Kartentyp Kreditkarte
    • Jahresgebühr 0 €
    • Effektiver Jahreszins 18,87 %
    • Bargeldabhebungsgebühren 0 %
    • Fremdwährungsgebühren 1,85 %
    • Mobile Zahlungen
    • Vorteile
    • Einzelheiten
    • Anforderungen
    • Bewertung
    • Keine Jahresgebühr
    • 1 % Tankrabatt auf Tankstellenumsätze bis zu 200 € pro Monat
    • 5 % Rabatt auf Reisebuchungen über den Partner Urlaubsplus
    • Teilzahlung sind möglich
  • Payback American Express Beantragen In nur 2 Minuten beantragen

    Payback American Express

    • Kartentyp Kreditkarte
    • Jahresgebühr 0 €
    • Effektiver Jahreszins 11,57 %
    • Bargeldabhebungsgebühren 4,00 % (min 5 €)
    • Fremdwährungsgebühren 2,00 %
    • Mobile Zahlungen
    • Vorteile
    • Einzelheiten
    • Anforderungen
    • Bewertung
    • Kostenlose Partnerkarte

    • Echte Kreditkarte
    • Willkommensbonus 3.000 Punkte inklusive
    • Payback Turbo ist aktivierbar
    • Dauerhaft kostenlos
Warum Sie uns vertrauen sollten

Seit 2019 setzt sich Kreditkarten360 dafür ein, dass Besucher fundierte Entscheidungen treffen können, wenn es um Kreditkarten geht. Unser Team von Finanz- und Reiseexperten arbeitet hart daran, Ihnen die Anleitung zu geben, die Sie brauchen, um die klügsten Entscheidungen zu treffen.

Unsere Experten verfügen über umfangreiche Erfahrungen und testen die Karten selbst. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihnen klare und ehrliche Vergleiche aller deutschen Kreditkarten zu bieten. Unser Ziel bei Kreditkarten360 ist es, Ihnen alle notwendigen Informationen zur Verfügung zu stellen, damit Sie eine kluge Entscheidung treffen können, die zu Ihren Finanzen passt.

Is a Free Credit Card Really Free?

A free credit card is not always completely free. The credit card does not have an annual fee, but other fees may still apply, such as interest charges, foreign transaction fees and cash withdrawal fees. It is important to read the card's terms and conditions to understand all potential fees associated with the card.

free credit card

Free Credit Cards: What You Should Know

A free credit card is a suitable option for anyone who wants a credit card without having to pay for it. Free credit cards have no annual fee, which means that they are both affordable and practical, especially for people who only use their credit card occasionally as a buffer or for emergencies.

A key advantage of free credit cards is the interest-free period, which is usually between 30 and 60 days. During this time, you can make purchases without having to pay interest, as long as you pay the balance in full by the due date. This makes free credit cards particularly attractive when it comes to managing short-term expenses.

Many free credit cards also offer different perks. These can include cashback, bonus rewards or travel benefits, that allow you to save even more with your card.

However, it is important that you are aware of other possible fees that these cards might have. Even though there is no annual fee, free credit cards can still have other fees, such as overdraft fees, late payment fees and invoice fees. Understanding if and when these fees might apply is important in order to avoid unexpected costs.

Possible Fees on Free Credit Cards

Interest fees

Free credit cards with money, also known as a credit limit, have interest fees. If you have a revolving credit card and choose to pay your used credit in installments, interest will be charged on any remaining balance carried over to the next billing cycle. If you intend to pay your credit in installments often, choose a free credit card with low interest fees.

Balance transfer fee

A balance transfer fee is charged when you transfer debt from one credit card to another. The typical fee is around 3% - 5% of the amount transferred. Many cards offer 0% interest on balance transfers for a year or more. Here you need to decide if the interest saved outweighs the balance transfer fee or not.

Fee for international transfers

A foreign transaction fee of 1% to 3% may apply for purchases made in a different currency. This includes card purchases made while traveling abroad, cash withdrawals in foreign currencies, or online shopping from international websites that charge in a foreign currency.

Late payment fees

A late fee will be charged if you do not make at least the minimum payment by the due date. The amount varies by card, but this fee can easily be avoided by making sure you always pay your credit card bill on time.

Cashwithdraw fees

Some free credit cards charge fees when money is withdrawn from ATMs. These fees can either be a fixed amont, a minimun percentage of around 3%, or a minimum of approximately €2 to €5 per withdrawal.

Card replacement

If you lose your card or if it is stolen, there may be a fee for issuing and sending a replacement card.

Partner cards

Some free credit cards offer the option of issuing a partner card that is connected and uses the same credit limit as the main card. While some providers offer a partner card for free, other card providers may charge a one time fee for issuing them.

Invoice fees

Invoice fees may apply if you wish to receive your credit card bill in printed form by post rather than digitally. Paper statements can sometimes require a small monthly fee to cover printing and postage costs. To avoid this, it is usually possible to choose digital invoices, which are usually free.

How Much Can a Free Credit Card Cost?

With our calculator below you can get a good idea of how much the interest fees on a free credit card can cost. This will give you a better idea of the potential costs that may arise if you do not pay your balance in full each month.

Wählen Sie die Höhe Ihres Kredits

Kein Ergebnis

2 000 €
0 € 25 000 €
2 Jahre
1 Monat 15 Jahre


TF Mastercard Gold TF Mastercard Gold
  • Zinsen 22,35 %
  • Gesamtkosten 498 €
  • Gesamtrückzahlungsbetrag 2 498 €
  • Höhe der monatlichen Raten 104 €
Nettodarlehensbetrag: 1.000 €, Sollzins: 22,35 %, Effektiver Jahreszins: 24,79 %, Laufzeit: 12 Monate, Anzahl der Raten: 12, Höhe der monatlichen Raten: 94,00 €, Gesamtbetrag: 1.124,24 €.
Details Anzeigen

Which Credit Card is Really Free?

Yes, they really do exist - free credit cards. They come without an annual fee, and many other fees are either greatly reduced or completely removed.

One such option is TF Mastercard Gold Card. This card does not charge an annual fee and allows free worldwide transactions. It also offers a flexible repayment model that can be customized to your financial needs.

Advanzia Mastercard Gold is another credit card that is truly free. It charges no annual fee and allows cash withdrawals worldwide without fees.

Consors Finance Mastercard is another strong candidate that waives all fees for both domestic and international payments and also charges no yearly fee.

Features For the Best Free Credit Cards

The best free credit cards offers the advantage of no annual charges, while still offering other attractive features. Some factors that make a free credit card good are:

  • No or low fees for foreign payments and cash withdrawals
  • Generous bonus rewards, cashback or discounts
  • Repayment flexibility
  • High acceptance worldwide
  • Additional insurances like travel insurance, purchase protection or international health insurance

Compare Free Mastercard, Visa and Amex

The selection of free credit cards is diverse and includes offers from major networks such as Visa, Mastercard and American Express.

Free Visa cards offer worldwide acceptance, with access to numerous discounts and benefits through the Visa network. The Deutschland Kreditkarte Classic is an outstanding example that does not charge an annual fee.

Free Mastercards such as the Advanzia Mastercard Gold offer similar benefits, including worldwide acceptance and access to exclusive offers and benefits through the Mastercard network.

Free American Express cards, such as the American Express Blue, offer their users access to Membership Rewards bonus program and have a wide selection of extra benefits through partners.

The free offers from the various credit card providers make it easy for users to own several cards at the same time. This gives you a wide range of payment options at no extra cost, covering you wherever you are in the world.

How Does the Bank Make Money by Offering Free Credit Cards?

Banks generate revenue primarily through interest that accrues if the cardholder does not pay off their balance on time. In addition, they earn from merchant fees that are due each time the card is used. Banks generate further income from fees for services such as late payments, international transfers or cash withdrawals.

Multiple Free Card Options

Free Credit Cards

Free credit cards is the option that offers you the most amount of financial flexibility. This is because you can choose to pay your used credit in installments. You can decide to pay as much as you want monthly, as long as you pay at least the minimum amount. This is particularly useful for unexpected expenses.

Free Prepaid Cards

Free prepaid cards are suitable if you have a set budget that you want to stick to. With a prepaid card, you load a certain amount of money onto the card and can only spend that amount. This prevents overspending which also prevents accumulating debt.

Free Charge Cards

Free charge cards are special types of credit cards with a set credit limit, but without an interest free period. This means that you have to pay back your used balance in full each month. Due to the fact that you have pay back your entire used credit in time, you avoid having to pay interest fees.

Free Debit Cards

Free debit cards are linked directly to your bank account and debit money immediately for every transaction. Since you can not spend more money than you already have in your account, there is no risk of falling into debt.

Free Credit Cards without Interest

All free credit cards have interest fees, which are charged on unpaid amounts when the interest-free period expires. This means that if you choose to pay your balance in installments, interest will be added to the remaining amount that is not paid back. To avoid interest charges, you should use a credit card without interest, such as a charge card or a debit card. You can also avoid interest fees by making sure you pay back your entire used credit on time.

Free Credit Cards without Interest

The Best Free Credit Cards with Perks

Not all free credit cards are the same. Depending on your spending habits and interests, some free cards offer more attractive rewards, benefits or features for you. Below a selection of the best free credit cards with different perks.

Free Credit Cards for Traveling

  1. 1
    Gebührenfrei - Advanzia Mastercard Gold
  2. 2
    Consors Finanz Mastercard
  3. 3
    Deutschland Kreditkarte Classic

Gebührenfrei - Advanzia Mastercard Gold

Advanzia Mastercard Gold is a great travel credit card. The card offer travel related discounts and while it lacks typical fees that can be charged when traveling.

  • No foreign transaction fee

  • Travel insurance included

  • 5% discount on travel tickets


Consors Finanz Mastercard

Consors Finanz Mastercard is a reliable traveling card. It offers numerous travel benefits and free cash access worldwide.

  • Free cash withdrawals worldwide

  • Travel insurance included

  • 0% foreign currency exchange charges


Deutschland Kreditkarte Classic

With the Deutschland Kreditkarte Classic you can save money while traveling worldwide. This card does not charge a foreign transaction fee and also offers a flexible credit limit.

  • Free foreign currency exchange

  • Free cash withdrawals worldwide

  • Free emergency card if lost abroad

Free Credit Cards with Bonus

  1. 1
    awa7 Visa
  2. 2
    American Express Blue
  3. 3
    Payback American Express

awa7 Visa

Awa7 Visa credit card impresses with generous bonuses and rewards, while still being available without an annual fee.

  • Earn bonus points on all transactions

  • 7% travel bonus

  • Flexible repayment options


American Express Blue

With American Express Blue you can earn bonus points through Membership Rewards.

  • 5.000 points as a welcome bonus

  • All purchases generate bonus points

  • Rewards can be exchanged to flight tickets, vouchers, PAYBACK-points and much more


Payback American Express

Payback American Express offers a bonus program that generates rewards on all your purchases.

  • Points for every purchase

  • Up to 3.000 points as a welcome bonus

  • Your points never expire

Free Credit Cards with Cashback

  1. 1
    TF Mastercard Gold
  2. 2
    Santander BestCard Basic
  3. 3
    C24 Mastercard

TF Mastercard Gold

With TF Mastercard Gold you receive cashback on selected purchases while obtaining the credit card for free.

  • Up to €25 cashback when shopping

  • 5 % cashback on car rentals

  • 5 % cashback on travel bookings


Santander BestCard Basic

Santander BestCard Basic is a free credit card with cashback and discounts.

  • 5% cashback on your travel bookings

  • 1% fuel discount

  • Offers on rental cars


C24 Mastercard

C24 Smart Mastercard rewards you for all your purchases with cashback, completely free.

  • 0.05% cashback on all purchases

  • Up to 2.5% promotional cashback

  • Use you cashback for shopping or donate to charity

Free Prepaid and Debit Cards

  1. 1
    N26 Smart
  2. 2
    Revolut Standard
  3. 3
    Bunq Free

N26 Smart

The N26 Smart debit card offers 10 additional sub-accounts and can be used both as a physical card and virtually on your phone. You can pay free of charge in any currency and connect your card to both Apple Pay and Google Pay.

Jahresgebühr 0 €
Bargeldabhebungsgebühren 0 %
Fremd­währungs­entgelt 0 %
Mobile Zahlungen Apple Pay, Google Pay

Revolut Standard

Revolut Standard is a free prepaid card the offers both free cash withdraws and free currency exchanged. You are also able to choose if you want your Revolut Standard as a free mastercard or free visa card.

Jahresgebühr 0 €
Bargeldabhebungsgebühren 2,00 % (min 1 €)
Fremd­währungs­entgelt 0 %
Mobile Zahlungen Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay

Bunq Free

With Bunq Free, you get a free and completely virtual card directly on your mobile phone. You also enjoy numerous benefits such as access to a savings account with weekly interest.

Jahresgebühr 0 €
Bargeldabhebungsgebühren 2,99 €
Fremd­währungs­entgelt 1,50 %
Mobile Zahlungen Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay

Compare Free Credit Cards

Find the best free credit card for you by comparing different alternatives.

TF Mastercard GoldGebührenfrei Advanzia Mastercard GoldDeutschland Kreditkarte ClassicConsors Finanz Mastercard
Kreditkarte TF Mastercard Gold Gebührenfrei - Advanzia Mastercard Gold Deutschland Kreditkarte Classic Consors Finanz Mastercard
Jahresgebühr 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 €
Effektiver Jahreszins 24,79 %24,63 %22,08 %18,90 %
Max. Kreditlimit Bonitätsabhängig15 000 €2 500 €5 000 €
Bargeldabhebungsgebühren 0 %0 %3,95 €0 %
Fremdwährungsgebühren 0 %0 %0 %0 %
Details Details Details Details Details
Beantragen Beantragen Nettodarlehensbetrag: 1.000 €, Sollzins: 22,35 %, Effektiver Jahreszins: 24,79 %, Laufzeit: 12 Monate, Anzahl der Raten: 12, Höhe der monatlichen Raten: 94,00 €, Gesamtbetrag: 1.124,24 €. Beantragen Beantragen Beantragen

Save Money by Combining Free Credit Cards

To maximize your savings, you can combine the benefits that different free credit cards offer. For example, use a card with high cashback for groceries or gas and another with special rewards for dining out or travel. For international purchases or traveling abroad, a card with no foreign transaction fees could be the best choice to avoid additional costs. By using the right card for the right situation, you will benefit the most while still avoiding fees. As long as you pay your credit card bills on time, you will not be charged for using multiple cards.

Are Free Credit Cards Easier to Get?

It is not necessarily easier to get a free credit card than a card with an annual fee. This is because approval for both types of credit cards depends on various factors, such as your credit score and income. However, free credit cards are often available for a wider audience, including people with average credit ratings. Instead, premium credit cards with an annual fee might offer more perks and therefore have stricter approval criteria, often requiring a higher credit score. Therefore, it may be easier for people with lower credit scores to qualify for a free credit card than a premium credit card with an annual fee.

Can Paying an Annual Fee Be Worth It?

Yes, it can be well worth choosing a credit card with an annual fee if the benefits and rewards justify the cost. Premium cards often offer you attractive rewards programmes, including higher cashback rates, better travel points and exclusive benefits such as access to airport lounges, free travel insurance and concierge services.

In addition, cards with a yearly fee can offer higher rewards in certain categories such as travel or groceries, which can lead to higher savings. Therefore, if the benefits, bonuses and rewards of a card suits your spending habits and outweigh the annual fee, it can be a worthwhile to choose a card with an annual fee.

Can Paying an Annual Fee Be Worth It?

Pros and Cons of Free Credit Cards


  • Flexibility: A free credit card offers high flexibility due to the fact that you can use your card as much or as little as you prefer, without the pressure of justifying an annual fee.
  • Bonus and rewards Some free cards offer generous bonus rewards where you can collect points with every purchase, which can be exchanged for rewards.
  • Travel benefits: Many free credit cards offer travel insurance or even discounts on travel bookings and rental cars.
  • Avoiding additional fees: Many free credit card also allow you to avoid other fees like cash withdraw fee and currency exchange fees.


  • Limitations for free services: Some free credit cards may have limits on the services they offer for free. For example, there might be a limit on the amount of cash you can withdraw for free per month.
  • Few premium benefits: Free cards tend to offer fewer exclusive benefits compared to premium credit cards. For instance, free credit cards usually do not offer lounge access or concierge services.

Ultimately, you have to decide for yourself which of these aspects are really important to you. It always makes sense to compare different offers in order to find the best credit card. Especially as this can be completely different for different people depending on their interests and spending habits.

Tips for Avoiding Fees with a Free Credit Card

  • Pay your balance in full: Always pay off your balance by the due date to avoid interest fees.
  • Avoid late payments: Set up automatic payments or calendar reminders to make sure you pay your credit card bill on time.
  • Avoid currency exchange fees: If you are traveling or making purchases in foreign currencies, choose a credit card that does not charge foreign transaction fees.
  • Do not overspend: Avoid spending more than you can afford to pay back. This way you avoid overdraft fees and allows you to repay your balance in full.
  • Check terms and conditions regularly: Credit card terms and fees are subject to change. Therefore, check the terms and conditions of your card regularly to make sure that you are aware of any changes that may affect your cards fees.

For Whom is a Free Credit Card Suitable?

Free credit cards are suitable for a large number of people. They are ideal for anyone who would like to keep track of their spendings while avoiding costs. Students and first-time credit card users can particularly benefit from the advantages of a free credit card.

Also people who only want to use a credit card occasionally, like while traveling or for online purchases, get a practical payment option with a free credit card because it does not incur any additional costs if it is not used frequently.

Advantages of Using Credit Cards for Payments

If you pay your bills on time, credit cards are actually like a free, short-term loan. They let you track your spending much more easily than cash, and you can download your transaction history for free.

Most offer excellent credit card benefits like free extended warranties on your purchases and free car rental insurance.

With free credit cards, you can take advantage of all the benefits and perks without having to pay for them. You can try out different cards and find out which one suits you best.


Are Free Credit Cards Completely Free?
Which Credit Cards are Free?
Are Free Credit Cards As Good As Cards with a Fee?

Alexander Schmidt ist ein etablierter Fachjournalist mit einer besonderen Leidenschaft für die Welt der Kreditkarten und Finanzen. Seit 2017 schreibt er nun für Kreditkarten360, um wertvolle Einblicke in die komplexe Welt des persönlichen Finanzwesens zu geben und den Leser teilhaben zu lassen an seiner langjährigen Erfahrung.

Zuletzt aktualisiert: Jan 20, 2025